CREAM – Quality Assurance in Practice

The CREAM System: Transforming Quality Assurance

The advancement of technology has introduced us to the era of data and metrics. But amid all the numbers, how do we measure something as abstract as ‘quality’? The CREAM system emerges as an innovative solution to this modern dilemma. But before diving into its mechanics, it’s crucial to grasp the rudiments of measurement and quality.

Measurement, as Wikipedia articulates, involves a set of operations aimed at determining the value of a quantity. This implies having an agreed-upon unit of measure and a suitable measuring device to ascertain the metric. Quality, on the other hand, encompasses a set of properties that describe the essence of things. In layman’s terms, it pertains to the degree a particular need or goal is fulfilled. In our present times, quality also encapsulates the idea of “compliance.”

So, how does the CREAM system merge these two concepts?

Conceptualizing Quality with CREAM

CREAM, which stands for CREAtive food quality Management, has ingeniously formulated its measuring device and unit. With these tools, the system can pinpoint an exact metric for each product, essentially categorizing its quality. This intricate process is undertaken in collaboration with the world’s premier quality certification firm, SGS. The outcome is a digital repository of each product’s unique properties. Such digital records are versatile, allowing for queries, modifications, groupings, and exchanges based on diverse criteria.

This project of Károly Berecz, an IT economist, is growing into something transformative. The CREAM related companies have established footholds in locations like Malta and Uzbekistan, further expanding their influence with the Central European Gastro Platform NZrt (CEGP).

CREAM in Practice

Once acquainted with the philosophy underpinning CREAM, one might wonder about its practical application and profitability.

The European Union’s Codex Alimentarius serves as a touchstone in this context. This “food book” delineates acceptable levels for most foods. While each country ideally has its unique food book governing its domestically produced items, the CREAM system offers four distinctions:

  1. Raw Material Oversight: Unlike food books, which focus on production technologies and product naming, CREAM emphasizes the quality and conditions of raw material production.
  2. Universal Implementation: Not all nations possess a food book. Yet, the CREAM system can be introduced anywhere and receive our accreditation.
  3. Third-Party Certification: CREAM engages SGS, an independent, global quality certifier. This assures that the qualification and verification processes are neutral and exhaustive.
  4. Three-tiered Quality: CREAM identifies three quality benchmarks: GOOD, BETTER, and BEST. Even the baseline (GOOD) imposes stricter standards than many national food books. The pinnacle (BEST) represents the zenith of economically viable quality enhancement.

The ideal clientele for CREAM are nations striving to bolster domestic product confidence while amplifying their agricultural and food exports. Target markets include the European Union, the USA, and affluent Arab and Islamic nations.

The system’s inception and a decade of maintenance come at a budget of $50 million USD/EUR. CREAM Commercial Ltd., based in Malta, holds the international selling rights. Upon entering a new territory, a subsidiary (or Project Company) is formed to customize the CREAM “A” (ALFA) database. This database lays the groundwork for the “P&P” (Products & Producers) database, which lists specific producers and products compliant with CREAM’s standards.

CREAM’s Holistic Integration

Beyond mere qualification, CREAM seeks to consolidate qualified producers. This integration allows for cost efficiencies and moderated product prices. Sales, both domestic and export, are facilitated by entities within the CREAM ecosystem, streamlining the entire supply chain.

In essence, the CREAM system is more than a quality assurance mechanism. It’s a holistic approach to revamping the agricultural and food industry, ensuring that quality isn’t just a buzzword, but a tangible, measurable metric.

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